Forms of cooperation
No individual has sufficient experience, education, native ability, and knowledge to ensure the accumulation of a great fortune, without the cooperation of other people.
Napoleon Hill
Mutually advantageous cooperation will allow you:
– to expand the assortment of manufactured and/or saleable products;
– to improve your production technology in order to increase its competitiveness;
– to upgrade operating manufacture in such a manner that would allow additional new products to be obtained, with any expenses for creation of separate manufacture having been avoided;
– to launch a joint manufacture with us, the activities of which would be carried out on the ground of leading-edge technologies and followed up by leading experts with the possibility for regular renewal and improvement of technologies as innovations come up from permanent laboratories etc.
Forms of cooperation.
Such cooperation with us may be carried out either on the basis of contractual relations with one of our legal entities, or by creating new joint ventures, depending on a subject that would represent mutual interest for the future possible partnership.