We are looking to cooperate with us
No individual has sufficient experience, education, native ability, and knowledge to ensure the accumulation of a great fortune, without the cooperation of other people.
Napoleon Hill
Mutually advantageous cooperation will allow you:
– to expand the assortment of manufactured and/or saleable products;
– to improve your production technology in order to increase its competitiveness;
– to upgrade operating manufacture in such a manner that would allow additional new products to be obtained, with any expenses for creation of separate manufacture having been avoided;
– to launch a joint manufacture with us, the activities of which would be carried out on the ground of leading-edge technologies and followed up by leading experts with the possibility for regular renewal and improvement of technologies as innovations come up from permanent laboratories etc.
Forms of cooperation.
Such cooperation with us may be carried out either on the basis of contractual relations with one of our legal entities, or by creating new joint ventures, depending on a subject that would represent mutual interest for the future possible partnership.
A cat has nine lives!
A cat is well aware what she needs to eat in order to be healthy and pretty. She would not eat products that would lead to fat deposition and deprive her of gracefulness. She knows exactly what gives strength and energy to herself.
A cat has nine lives, because she chooses wholesome healthy food.
Let us take a leaf out of her book and choose health by determining a list of consumed products.
The mission of “ 9 LIVES “ GROUP consists in its contribution in improvement of this world by creating, introducing and developing healthy food technologies, that is technologies and equipment allowing healthy products to be produced, in particular fast food products, so-called ‘healthful fast food’, as well as other technologies in the field of medicine, agriculture, etc.
Our team has founded a number of businesses that are successfully operating in several countries for a long time. Our industrial activities are carried out through such businesses. Also, we have set up laboratories where innovative production technologies and state-of-the-art foodstuff, medical, pharmaceutical and agricultural industries’ equipment are developed and experimentally applied. Leading experts and process engineers possessing academic degrees and long-term experience are engaged in this general activity process.
Advancements in capsulation
One of the most recent achievements consists in improvement of CAPSULATION technology and expansion of its application.
Implementation of this technology is founded on fundamental research results and development of new capsulation methods based on ionotropic gelatinization principles, with seamless filled capsules being produced. As a transport liquid, a water solution of a substance being simultaneously a membrane-forming component is used. In the course of production using such capsulation technology, specially designed patented equipment is employed.
Capsulation technology employment in food-processing industry
One of the most shining examples of its employment is an analogue of sturgeon and salmon roe. So far, it is a top-of-the-line technology for production of so-called ‘artificial caviar’. The product shows to good advantage as compared to its predecessors since it is as similar as possible to natural products in view of its flavor and structural properties. The advanced technology has made it possible to diminish the product cost price and increase shelf life. Also, it has allowed the product to be produced with no preservatives added.
Today, designers expand capsulation principles for obtaining new food forms of traditional products (e.g. ketchups, sauces, mayonnaises, mustard, jams, honey, milk, juices, etc.) in thermostable capsules for the purpose of their further use as flavor fillers in a number of products, such as sausages, cheeses, yoghurts and others.
Capsulation technology employment in medicine and agriculture
Our experts continue to expand the capsulation technology’s potentials for production of capsular forms with immobilized microorganisms (e.g. probiotics, bifidus bacteria, etc.), living cells, medications (e.g. metronidazole, nitroglycerine, insulin) and creation of capsules for delivery of required medicinal components to target organs (e.g. pancreas, small intestine, large intestine, etc.). Furthermore, the capsulation method is employed in production of fertilizers and insecticides in the agricultural sector.
Many other technologies have also been designed and are used in the food-processing industry, in particular as follows: technology of thermoformed fish products (analogues of salmon, crab sticks, crawfish, shrimp, eel); technology of emulsion-type sauces (mayonnaises, pastes, snacks); technology of integrated krill processing with a series of food and technical products being produced; technology of dessert production (creams, jellies, desserts) based on milk and fruit raw material; and technology of ice-cream production, etc.
Special mention should be made of the technologies that are employed in the Oriental cuisine and have been borrowed by us from Israeli experts who have for a long time been engaged in manufacture of some popular Oriental products, such as hummus, tahini as well as Mediterranean snacks, sauces, and salads.