Encapsulated food

Encapsulation of food plays a huge role in our lives.

Man, no matter what century he lived, there is much to be proud … Each era than – that, yes remarkable. On the planet, and in the lives of people all the time there are some events, discoveries, new things and new comes into our lives. But, unfortunately, not always the results of the events taking place we are pleased. Environmental contamination, reducing the size and the disappearance of certain species of fish, etc. forcing people to think than you can replace them. There such a thing as “genetically modefitsirovannye organisms.” The benefits and harms will not speak. And so it is clear, or rather do not understand what we eat … fast – food has become an integral part of the modern world. Even in ancient times it was very popular. But the difference is that the fast food of the ancient inhabitants was more fresh and useful than today’s hot – dogs and hamburgers. Since the Red Book introduced fish species of salmon and sturgeon unit, significantly decreased production of natural caviar. Natural alternative to caviar is the so-called “artificial eggs.” Subject encapsulation is not new in our era. We already know the technology of encapsulation of fat (hydrophobic) systems in a gelatin shell. But the novelty of this design is that it is the first case of encapsulation of substances containing the aqueous component. To date, no one else in the world is encapsulated “water” to produce heat-resistant capsules long term storage. Innovation encapsulation has wide application in various fields of human activity. This is encapsulated in animal husbandry and agriculture, encapsulated in medicine and biotechnology. The same encapsulation affected the microbiology and the pharmaceutical industry, chemical and textile industries. Occupies a special place in the encapsulation of the food industry. One of the innovations worthy of humanity, to be proud of, is the encapsulation of food, which is very important in the era of breakthroughs and nanotechnology. Our life has become faster, we all rush off somewhere. Sometimes not even have time to cook dinner, or “bite”, which was at the time of our grandparents. So go and help in fast food restaurants. But these institutions to one another strife! Since most products are not subject to long-term storage, in such institutions, and finds its application encapsulation products, such as mustard, ketchup, mayonnaise, emulsion sauces, juices, dressings, salad dressings … The use of encapsulation in meat and dairy industries is reflected in a taste for cooked sausage fillers, meat farshevyh systems, processed cheese, hard cheese, cottage cheese mass, etc. It is also to be encapsulated and can be used as the ultimate form of food for consumers, or as semi-high preparedness products such as sweet sauces, jams, jam, condensed milk, honey …